#250 - 997 Seymour St. Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 3M1
Sponsorship Appeal

Sponsorship Appeal Process


If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, and your application to sponsor a relative was rejected, you may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) within 30 days after the rejection. The appeal process involves a public hearing between the appellant and a Minister's counsel representing Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). As part of our services, we can represent you, the sponsor, during this hearing to ensure all the necessary information is presented in your appeal.

The sponsorship appeal category includes appeals for your spouse, partner, dependent children, parents and grandparents, and other relatives. If your initial appeal to IAD is rejected, you may appeal to the Federal Court of Canada for a review of IRB's decision, and must be represented by a lawyer.


If your family member is inadmissible to Canada, you may not appeal. Inadmissibility is determined by the following factors:

  • Misrepresentation (excluding sponsor's spouse, partner or children)
  • A serious criminal offence
  • Involvement in organized crime
  • Security reasons
  • Violations of human or international rights

If your sponsorship application was rejected within the last 30 days, do not wait. Contact us immediately, and we can assist you with the appeal process.

Professional Assistance

If you require professional legal assistance in an immigration appeal process, please contact us for a consultation.